Exceptional Experience, Excellent Results!

Dr. Daniel McGrath

Director to the Board of the American board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only certification program recognized by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. 

Ultra-DENSITY - More Hair, More Natural

We do it different  - Find out how!

Dr. McGrath is Texas most experienced hair restoration surgeon and offers advanced medical and surgical solutions for hair loss.

Transformational Hair Restoration

McGrath Medical in Houston, Texas, has been a leader in the hair restoration field for the past two decades. Dr. McGrath is a pioneer in medical hair loss therapy, including Exosome and PRP hair therapy and Laser Light Therapy for strengthening hair and minimizing hair loss.

At McGrath Medical, we specialize in the treatment of hair loss in men and women. Dr. McGrath is internationally recognized for his work and is the past president of the Board of Directors of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only recognized certifying organization for hair restoration surgery and hair loss treatment.

Leader in Hair Restoration

Dr. McGrath at the podium of the ISHRS 27th World Congress in Bangkok, Thailand

Houston Hair Restoration

Dr. McGrath, is one of the few hair restoration surgeons in the world who is a Fellowship Trained member of the ABHRS, the only certification recognized by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery . He performs Ultra-refined Follicular Unit Hair Restoration, the accepted “Gold Standard” in natural hair restoration surgery and the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE Hair Transplant) procedure for qualified candidates.

Dr. McGrath is recognized worldwide for his multifaceted treatment protocol for patients experiencing hair loss. Our goal is to provide the right treatment for the right patient. Most younger male and female patients are typically encouraged to begin with medical therapies, while patients with more advanced hair loss may best benefit from hair restoration surgery.

With the advent of FUE hair transplantation, Dr. McGrath can treat patients who wish to keep their hair short without concern for a visible donor scar, which could be visible with FUT strip harvest surgery.

Over the years, Dr. McGrath has participated in scientific conferences around the world, presenting groundbreaking treatments and surgical advancements and conducting board certification exams for the ABHRS.

At McGrath Medical we offer the latest FDA approved medical hair loss treatments for treating and delaying hair loss in both men and women.

For a Hair Transplant in Houston, TX, contact us at 1-800-717-1087 to schedule your consultation we will listen to your concerns and make sure you are provided with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your hair loss.

Follicular Unit Extraction, also known as FUE Hair Transplantation, is a procedure where each follicular unit is extracted individually, leaving only a tiny dot that is difficult to see even close up; this allows the patient to keep their hair on the sides and the back very short with no apparent scar. In traditional follicular unit hair transplantation, there is always a small linear scar where the hair is removed that is covered by the surrounding hair. Learn more about FUE Hair Transplantation in Houston, TX.